Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's Time to Call 911

This happened last week. 

It was a usual Sunday evening,  and I hopped on to my kiddo seat and off we went shopping to Fred Meyer (a local grocery store).
I am usually all hyped when we go grocery shopping - the reason being, I get to ride the shopping cart for a change. The baby stroller is too boring a ride, it is so comfortable in there that I am usually asleep as we enter the store.  And I hardly get to window shop - that's the very least, I can do for now. Most of all I love being around people for a change (besides my own folks at home).

So we get to the store and Dad pulls up a cart and I am already kicking my legs showing my enthusiasm to get on it. I hopped on to it and sit "rear side" like they always force me to everywhere - and Mommy fastened my seat belt

As mommy was pushing the cart, I sat there gasping at the veggies and fruties - Most of which, I recognize from my favorite rhymes video collection. 

Mommy was reading out her list and Dad was piling up a lot of items on the cart. I got to pick up my baby formula and some of my favorite fruits.

We then checked out our items and were on the way out to go buy some toys for me. When  we were about to leave the store, I was screaming.  Dad looked at me and asked "Are you okay, Bumble ?" Mommy said, "Vimal - Its probably very cold for her outside". That's when I realized how helpless I was - not being able to communicate.

We strolled by to the car and Mommy was about to pick me up from the cart and now it was her time to scream ! She realized I had accidentally put my left leg in to a wrong slot(2.5 Cm's wide) adjacent to the one meant for the purpose. Remember my first scream, that's when I was trying to get comfortable on the seat and tried to pull my leg and accidentally slid it on to the next slot. Even though it didn't hurt much, I panicked and I was trying to communicate with my parents.

She yelled for Dad. Dad was shocked more than anything to see me stuck. By this time, I was cool and relaxed - knowing I was in good hands. He didn't seem too tensed as he thought if my leg went through the slot, there should be a way out as well. So he tried to slide my leg out. But to his surprise I could hardly move my leg - My leg was stuck right by my ankle in the shopping cart. Not able to move my leg made me feel very uncomfortable and I set off my emergency alarm (and that's usually got a reach of 100m at the very least).

We immediately caught the attention of few people in the parking lot. One of them was a nurse and she was trying to help my dad to pull my leg out of the cart. But No Luck !

At this time, Dad was concerned that if we tried to move my leg any further, it might end up hurting me.  Seeing all this Mom set off her alarm and now Dad was trying to assure the two of us (me & Mommy) that everything will be OK. Both me and mommy were kicking our legs and yelling. Now I realize where I got the "kicking" gene from :)

Finally Dad asked for the lady to call 911. 

Even before the lady completed the 911 call, I could hear the siren from the fire engine. That was the time, I realized I was in serious trouble.  A fire truck arrived and two huge men with big tools in their hand walked towards me. 

I was more in panic mode than pain. That's when a little boy ( the lady's son) raised a question which ticked me off further. He asked "Mommy, Are they going to cut the baby's leg ?"

I was like - Oh my Gosh - Thanks for the positive vibrations. And the crying continued and a big crowd gathered around us.

At first the firemen didn’t know what to do. They tried to widen up the gap between the two lines of steel and it didn't seem to help. Then they decided they had to cut out one of the steel bars to be able to free me. The space for them to work with was very small and I was so scared they would clip off one of my little fingers. I was so glad Dad was so composed and instructed them where to make the cut.

Finally they made two cuts and took out the steel piece and finally I was set free. Immediately my mom took me in to her hands. 

That felt like the safest place in the whole world. I was sobbing all over mommy and was glad to hear mommy say "Pappu, it's all Over" 

 As always, Don't forget to leave your Comments !

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am Back !!

It's really been a long time, I thought I would get back to my blog here. 

I had been a busy bee for the last few months. I got a lot in my little memory that I wanted to share with you guys - before I move on to new things.

For starters, I have been growing up pretty fast - Today is my eighth "month" Birthday (or whatever you would call that :)) Can you believe that? The last time I put my writing skills on the line was when I was 3 weeks young.


I got a ton of things on my resume now - One of my favorites being able to crawl and constantly be on the search for mommy when she gets an inch away from me. I just don't like the idea of letting her away from my sight. With Dad going away to work, I feel all alone when Mommy steps away from me - So the idea is to stick close to her and enjoy being pampered and playing with her all day.

Moving on to the next item on my resume - Learning to stand up on my own. I over heard  Mommy say "Neha just loves perfecting her new skills" - That's so true. The other day, I was crawling around as  I typically do, towards Mommy's laptop and like always she sets the lappy away on the couch and said "It's gone" and stepped into the kitchen. I was in no mood to let it go this time, as I crawled towards the couch and tried to reach for the lappy. I just happened to reach the cushion on the couch and held on to it and pushed myself upward and wow - that was a wonderful feeling to get on top of the floor and finally see how things are 2 feet above the ground. I started doing this again and I was like - Hey I can do this over and over again and it's cool.

Oh, I almost forgot - Did I tell you that I now have a couple of teeny teeth popping up on the bottom row? Dad says "They are like 2 rice grains sticking up" - Good analogy ! They literally look like rice grains and they are pretty sharp too. Pretty soon, I might have to start off my morning brushing rituals like all grown ups do. But the good part is I am getting to move on to some solid food items that I have been craving for a while now.

There are still a lot more stories from my 1st trip to India - but since it's a Sunday, I am going to show some mercy on my parents and let them catch up with some sleep tonight.

I am about to hit my crib ~ Will talk to you all very soon!

Do leave your comments - I luv reading 'em!